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Loris Reinvents Quality Assurance in Customer Experience with its Latest Release

With visibility into every conversation and automated coaching moments, Loris has reduced time-to-value in agent success and changed the way customer teams will do quality assurance in the future.

NEW YORK, NY, USA — Loris announced today that it has expanded its Quality Assurance offering to add increased visibility and automation to improve the quality of every conversation customer service and support agents have. This updated offering is designed using large language models to change the way traditional QA is done and places the emphasis on the outcome of every conversation, versus standard input-based means of evaluating and coaching agents with traditional QA scorecards. With Loris, QA now has 100% of all conversations scored, vs the traditional 2-5% being done in organizations today. With these enhancements, QA professionals can now focus on the things that drive organizational value, as opposed to those that are both time-consuming and do not provide full visibility into agent performance.

With its AI capabilities built from large language models, Loris can identify all customer intents within a conversation along with the customer’s sentiment throughout. This combination of information is then used in conjunction with points like policy adherence to create a grade for every digital conversation the customer success agent has. The result is an Agent CQ (Conversation Quality) Score to help teams better understand agent performance. By analyzing every conversation, a CQ score creates a complete picture of how the agent is performing versus traditional metrics like CSAT and NPS that only account for a fraction of all conversations.

“Traditional QA is a very manual process and only allows existing teams to sample a small number of conversations,” said Eugene Manel, Head of Product at Loris. “By applying our AI to every conversation and automating the results, we have removed this task from the people on your team, freeing them up to focus on more important aspects of their job. In addition, by automating this process we have removed the potential for selection bias in conversational analysis removing another traditional pain point of the process.”

In addition to providing the information from every conversation, the new release from Loris automates the creation of coaching moments for the QA team, removing another time-consuming manual barrier. By understanding the key elements of every conversation and the outcome, Loris ranks the top conversations for improvement or praise. Leaders can now look at the selected list instead of a small number of conversations and immediately take action or build their next review in a matter of minutes versus hours.  

The new Loris QA solution also provides a dashboard for complete visibility at both the team and individual level to help teams see how everyone is  performing and to help identify areas of improvement immediately.

With this latest product release, Loris continues to move customer success forward by combining the best of human capabilities combined with the enhancement of machine learning with its ultimate goal of improving the quality of every conversation. By reimagining the QA function, Loris continues its work on making every conversation a quality one, while reducing operational costs at the same time. 

About Loris

Loris is a real-time intelligence layer for digital customer service and support teams to ensure customer service agents say the right thing at the right time. Unlike bots and other AI solutions, Loris combines both human and machine learning to surface insights in 100% of conversations in real time and provides the ability to improve quality to drive the best outcomes across every customer interaction.

For our clients we have materially reduced churn and boosted LTV, all while improving the quality of conversations, improved visibility and lowered the costs of conversations.