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Stop Sending Surveys! Discover True Customer Sentiment with Customer Conversations

For years, companies have relied on surveys to gauge how customers feel about their experiences, with platforms like Qualtrics and Medallia leading the charge. But let’s face it—surveys are flawed. Response rates are low, feedback is delayed, and they often capture only a sliver of the customer base. 

And the absolute worst time to send a survey is after a customer service interaction! During the interaction, your customer is telling you everything that you want to know. To deliver an excellent experience, you should know exactly how your customer felt, why they contacted you, whether their issue was resolved, and whether they are likely to leave you a bad review. 

Save your surveys for parts of the customer journey where you cannot get user feedback through any other method. For example, like sending a survey after a product was purchased to understand the purchase experience or sending a survey the moment a product was first delivered to a customer to understand more about the product quality and customer sentiment.

It’s time for a smarter, more accurate way to understand customer sentiment.


The Flaw in Traditional Surveys

Surveys ask customers to reflect on their experience after the fact, often when the emotional charge of the interaction has passed. What you get is incomplete data—biased by memory, influenced by time, and largely missing the true emotional tone of the interaction. For instance:

  • Low Response Rates: Only a small fraction of customers bother to respond, leaving you with feedback from a vocal minority.
  • Survey Fatigue: Over-surveyed customers tune out, leading to shallow, surface-level feedback.
  • Lagging Insights: By the time the results come in, the opportunity to address issues in has already passed.


This is where Loris revolutionizes how you gather and analyze customer sentiment.

Ready to see what a no-survey future looks like?

Take a Product Tour of Loris Voice of the Customer.

Loris AI: The Future of Customer Sentiment Analysis

Imagine a world where you no longer need to chase customers for feedback. Loris automatically analyzes every single customer interaction, extracting actionable insights directly from customer service conversations. Here’s how we do it:

1. Comprehensive Insights from all Interactions: With Loris, you get data from 100% of your customer interactions—not just the 1-2% that typically respond to surveys. Every conversation is a goldmine of sentiment and emotion, captured and analyzed as it happens.

2. Sentiment Analysis: Loris uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) to detect customer emotions, identifying dissatisfaction, frustration, happiness etc. Loris detects customer sentiment towards your product or services as well as the sentiment of your agent who is supporting the customer. This gives your customer service teams the ability to act on insights immediately, turning negative experiences around before they escalate.

CX Tip: How can I use data to act on insights immediately?

The Loris Reasons to Review model shows you exactly which customer service interactions need to be urgently reviewed. A great use case from one of our customers is to use the “Escalation” Review Reason to identify any call where an executive escalation is requested by the customer. Instead of sending a survey to these customers post interaction they have implemented a proactive outbound call flow where a supervisor calls the customer back immediately to apologize for the issue, explain how they are going to resolve this and to offer an incentive (free credit on their next order). This is the way to use AI to turn detractors into promoters using data to elevate the customer experience. 

3. Context-Rich Understanding: Unlike survey responses that are often one-dimensional, Loris provides a multi-faceted view of customer sentiment by analyzing the context, tone, and even the pace of conversations. This richer understanding leads to more actionable insights, enabling you to drive meaningful improvements across your customer service operations.

4. No More Guesswork: Surveys often ask customers how they “felt” about their experience—a question that forces them to recall and quantify emotions. With Loris, there’s no need to ask. We already know exactly how they felt based on their words, behavior, and tone during the interaction.


Why Loris Beats Surveys Every Time

Platforms like Qualtrics and Medallia have built their reputations on survey data, but surveys are reactive and limited. Loris, by contrast, is proactive and limitless in its scope. Here’s why Loris is the superior choice:

  • More Data, Greater Accuracy: Surveys provide a snapshot. Loris delivers the full picture.
  • Immediate Action: Loris gives your team the power to resolve issues immediately, versus waiting days or weeks for survey results to come in.
  • Scalable Across Channels: Whether it’s voice, chat, SMS, or email, Loris works seamlessly across all customer service channels, giving you a unified view of sentiment.


The Future is AI-Driven Insights, Not Surveys

The world of customer experience is evolving, and relying on old methods like surveys to understand customer sentiment no longer cuts it. Loris represents a new era in customer service insights, delivering more accurate, immediate, and actionable data without the need to ask customers to fill out forms. 

Why wait for a survey to tell you how your customers feel when you can know with certainty right now? 


Ready to Stop Surveying and Start Knowing?

Let Loris empower your customer service teams with the insights they need to deliver extraordinary experiences every time. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to precise, actionable customer sentiment data.