Our Head of AI puts Klarna’s chatbot to the test
The recent news about Klarna’s new AI assistant powered by OpenAI made some waves in the customer support and AI circles, and even beyond.
Klarna made big claims about the the impact of this conversational AI:
“The AI assistant has had 2.3 million conversations, two-thirds of Klarna’s customer service chats
It is doing the equivalent work of 700 full-time agents
CX Maturity and the Hierarchy of Needs
When you are trying to understand the customer experience (CX) maturity of an organization, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a useful analogy. To simplify it to death, before thinking of self-actualization needs (e.g., living a fulfilling and meaningful life), a person must meet their basic needs for physical survival (e.g., to fill their belly).
Why you need to rethink conversation summarization
The problem is that there is no one perfect summarization of anything. What you summarize matters. Who you summarize for matters. And, most importantly, why you summarize matters.
Everything You Need To Know About Actionable Customer Insights
Your customer support team is the heart of your business. It’s where you get invaluable feedback that you can use to improve your product and business to keep your customers happy. The feedback you get through your contact center can become actionable insights if you use it correctly.
AI Bias: The scariest thing you’re not even thinking about
This scary season, there’s a lot to be afraid of. Neighborhoods transform into cemeteries. Ghouls, witches, and monsters roam the streets to feed (mostly on candy). But all these are very obvious, intentionally overdone elements of Halloween, which because they are easily visible renders them less scary. What’s truly scary this time of year is what you don’t see – or even know about. And today, that’s AI bias.
The Science Of Customer Support Conversations
Interactions with customer support are like a dance we don’t know we’re doing, but somehow know all the steps – and know them well.
What customer confusion tells you about your customer experience
What do the sinking of the Titanic, the ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ disaster during the Crimean war, and the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident have in common?
The CX Leader’s Primer: Navigating Generative AI without the Jargon
If you are a leader in a CX organization, you probably have seen a lot of demos of AI capabilities that seem to really “get” the language of customer support in the past year – from more intuitive chatbots to tools that help agents write their messages according to brand tone. You have heard that what drives this magic is ChatGPT and Generative AI, and that this is about to change EVERYTHING.
This post will explain the main concepts behind these developments without technical jargon. After reading it, you as a CX leader will understand:
1. what these concepts are
2. why they matter
3. how they are different from what existed before, and
4. what it means to you
So, where is this all going? What will a customer service org look like in the near future?
Customer Service Team Of (a Very Near) Future
2023 has been a tough economic year for most, so welcome, budget pressure! ChatGPT is out (you’ve heard about it, right?). Customer expectations from CX also keep getting higher – let quality slide and you are opening the door for your competitor.
So, where is this all going? What will a customer service org look like in the near future?
What is Conversational Quality (CQ)
Conversational Quality (CQ) is a metric that evaluates the ability of the agent to maximize customer satisfaction throughout a conversation.
Why I Joined Loris
Every job change is a significant decision, and in discussing my next step to join Loris as Head of Product there are three reasons why the team and the story were such a strong pull for me.