The 4-Step Success Plan for AI Adoption in the Contact Center

In the last 12 months, questions around AI adoption in the contact center  have changed from if to when to “why haven’t we done this yet?!” But part of the obstacle to incorporating AI into your strategy is the total lack of transparency. When every tech company is claiming to solve all problems, it’s difficult to separate hype from actual value.

This panel brings together two experts who have successfully led AI adoption use cases in the contact center. Paula Kennedy, a thought leader in customer experience innovation who has held key strategic roles at IntouchCX, Concentrix, Sitel Group, TeleTech, and HCL BPO; and Etie Hertz, CEO of Loris, an AI startup using conversational intelligence to improve everything from customer insight to agent performance to quality assurance.

After this discussion, you’ll walk away with:

  • The ability to prioritize AI adoption projects with a plan for success
  • Clarity on necessary steps and missteps to avoid
  • Ways to measure the value of AI adoption while also mitigating risks
Future of Customer Service

The Future of Customer Service: 5 AI Trends In 2024 (And Beyond)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming Customer Experience (CX) by redefining the way that businesses interact with their customers. From chatbots to predictive analytics, this technology is truly revolutionizing how organizations provide customer service.
If your goal is to enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, you can’t overlook the potential of AI to improve your CX.

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customer dissatisfaction

Customer Dissatisfaction: Strategies to Prevent Unhappy Customers

Unhappy customers can ruin your entire brand. Online complaints that can’t be removed could tarnish your reputation for good. The UK Royal Mail is a good example of how dissatisfied customers can impact your business. They lost their 360-year monopoly on parcel delivery from post office sites due to poor customer service and missing delivery targets—eek!

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Customer Experience Analytics

A Guide to Customer Experience Analytics: Take Your CX To The Next Level

Your customer experience (CX) is everything. If your customers have a good experience with your brand, you drive customer loyalty and retention. More than 70% of consumers say a good experience is vital in influencing their loyalty to a brand.
If they have a bad experience, you’ll have higher customer churn rates. In fact, 51% of customers will never

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AI is here.. and you need a plan.

See the 5 critical considerations in our BPO Buyer’s Guide for Contact Center AI.