Everything You Need To Know About Actionable Customer Insights

Actionable Customer Insights

Your customer support team is the heart of your business. It’s where you get invaluable feedback that you can use to improve your product and business to keep your customers happy. The feedback you get through your contact center can become actionable insights if you use it correctly.

Why deflection is the opposite of good CX

Maze with abstract figure entering

Now, before you get all upset – I get it. Not every customer needs to have their handheld by an agent for every use case. And there is absolutely a place for chatbots, callbacks, switching voice calls to digital, better self-service content, etc. But just because these technologies exist, doesn’t mean every conversation should be deflected

What Is Automated Quality Management In Customer Service?

Automated Quality Management

Great customer service, quality, and experience aren’t simply goals for your business. They’re the currency by which organizations provide value to their customers. However, these goals aren’t always easy to measure, especially if you’re using a traditional quality assurance (QA) approach.
A traditional approach involves spot-checking call, chat,

AI Bias: The scariest thing you’re not even thinking about

haunted house scene with full moon

This scary season, there’s a lot to be afraid of. Neighborhoods transform into cemeteries. Ghouls, witches, and monsters roam the streets to feed (mostly on candy). But all these are very obvious, intentionally overdone elements of Halloween, which because they are easily visible renders them less scary. What’s truly scary this time of year is what you don’t see – or even know about. And today, that’s AI bias.

The 4-Step Success Plan for AI Adoption in the Contact Center

ai adoption

In the last 12 months, questions around contact center adoption of AI have changed from if to when to “why haven’t we done this yet?!” But part of the obstacle to incorporating AI into your strategy is the total lack of transparency. When every tech company is claiming to solve all problems, it’s difficult to separate hype from

Turn your contact center into your customer intelligence center

animation of woman in front of screen with graphs

The contact center is perhaps the most underappreciated part of most organizations. Unloved by customers. Labeled a “cost center” by execs. But in seemingly paradoxical fashion, “customer experience” has been put on a pedestal as a critical discipline by which businesses distinguish their products and services. How can these two contradictory concepts coexist?!

5 Ways to Reduce Customer Churn

Woman at retail shop

Companies are hyperfocused on acquiring new customers. But the truth is that acquiring new customers is significantly more expensive than retaining existing customers…

Loris & Harvard Business School Webinar: Humans and AI Are Better Together

Title card for webinar "What got you here won't get you there" with headshots of 3 speakers

Can AI really replace humans in the workplace? Join Harvard Business school professor Jackie Lane along with Loris’ Head of AI Eugene Mandel and Director of CX Christina Drum to answer the most pressing questions about AI. In the current stage of AI, what is true and what is fiction? Will AI be a supplement to people, or replacement to them? How humans must evolve, as technology becomes more complicated?

Horatio Partners with Loris to Strengthen the Customer-Agent Connection

LORIS LOGO green bubble

Horatio, the customer service company behind viral e-commerce and rapidly-growing tech companies, today announces it has partnered with Loris to keep advancing customer service and BPOs as we know them. Loris is the AI platform that equips CX leaders with the real-time intelligence they need to help proactively identify and resolve emerging threats from customers that can negatively impact revenue and brand reputation.

The CX Leader’s Primer: Navigating Generative AI without the Jargon

If you are a leader in a CX organization, you probably have seen a lot of demos of AI capabilities that seem to really “get” the language of customer support in the past year – from more intuitive chatbots to tools that help agents write their messages according to brand tone. You have heard that what drives this magic is ChatGPT and Generative AI, and that this is about to change EVERYTHING.

This post will explain the main concepts behind these developments without technical jargon. After reading it, you as a CX leader will understand:

1. what these concepts are
2. why they matter
3. how they are different from what existed before, and
4. what it means to you
So, where is this all going? What will a customer service org look like in the near future?

Customer Service Team Of (a Very Near) Future

2023 has been a tough economic year for most, so welcome, budget pressure! ChatGPT is out (you’ve heard about it, right?). Customer expectations from CX also keep getting higher – let quality slide and you are opening the door for your competitor.

So, where is this all going? What will a customer service org look like in the near future?

What is Conversational Quality (CQ)

Conversational Quality

Conversational Quality (CQ) is a metric that evaluates the ability of the agent to maximize customer satisfaction throughout a conversation.

CX Perts Featuring Michelle Baur

Bill.com’s Michelle Baur joins Christina Drum in in a discussion about the future of AI and its impact on CX. Listen to the discussion as they talk about:

Michelle’s Personal CX experience
The Biggest Challenge CX Teams face today
What AI looks like for them today and what to expect in the future
AI empowering the roles of humans in CX
The skills most critical for an AI partnered future
And More!

Beating the Competition; How QA Can Make You Stand Out.

Customer Led Growth

Pre-COVID, SaaS companies in particular relied on Product-Led Growth approaches. Customer Support was typically seen as a cost center rather than an essential part of retaining customers. Now that customers are more selective with where they spend their money, investing in the quality of your Customer Support team makes all the difference. But how do you know what your team needs to succeed, and how do you find information on what your customers want?

Conversation Quality: How To Have A Good Conversation

Having a good conversation is a fundamental part of human interaction. It allows us to connect with each other, share ideas, and build relationships. Within the Customer Support world, constructing a good conversation is vital for agents and the company’s well-being. But how do you know if a conversation is truly ‘good’?

How Do You Make Decisions?

The average person makes 35,000 decisions per day. From the moment we wake up, we’re faced with endless decisions – big and small – that require our immediate attention.